STA swim school
Est. 2008
Monday Wickford at Castledon school pool
10.30 space for 2 child born in year 2022
11.30 space for 1 child born January to October 2023
Wednesday in Chelmsford, Nickleby road
Thursday in Chelmsford, Nickleby road.
12 noon for 2 - 3.5 year olds 3 spaces
Friday in Chelmsford, Nickleby road.
10am Spaces for 1 child born in 2023
Cost of the new term is £57 for 6 weeks, start the 17th June 2024
If wanting to join in September please add your name to the list today as we will sort spaces out in late July.
Little Otters
Terms and Conditions 2020
Booking Your Place
Payment for New Swimmers must be received with your enrolment form prior to the commencement of the course. We will only issue enrolment forms once we are sure there is place available.
If you are new and joining us payment is due by the date on your booking form.
You will remain responsible for your child at all times whilst on the School premisses and throughout each lesson. Children must not run or act inappropriately on the Premises. We will not be responsible for any injury or accident that children and / or parents fail to abide by these rules or supervisor when entering the school grounds and Swimming Pool to leaving these premisses.
Conditions to swim
Please be of a healthy condition to come, with no signs of illness.
Please shower before entering the pool.
Please use the toilet
These keep the pool standards high. ( only the pool manager to change arrangements for reason to be advise)
Long hair on should length to be tied back.
All Payments are non-refundable.
Each term you must re-enrol if you wish to continue lessons.
Places are offered on a first come first served basis, giving priority to those already enrolled and attending our classes. We will not refund / credit someone who child refuses to get into the water.
Your place is guaranteed if your payment is received by the specified Payment due date. Places are limited and you must re-enrol even if you are a regular. If you have missed the re-enrolment date and wish to continue swimming with us, please contact us as soon as possible.
Holidays/sickness we are not able to offer reductions in the course costs due to members’ holidays or sickness. The whole course must be paid by the payment due date. We do not offer carry overs. Holidays are a personal choice on when you take them not ours.
Cancelling a course
If you have paid for the course then with to cancel, if 10days or less of the date of the term/course/class and including the morning or evening before we will refund minus the £20 administration fee.
Please do not let your child swim if there are any signs of a contagious illness for child, parent/carer or immediate family, or if the child has a high temperature. If the child or the parent/carer who attends (with no possible substitute) has been advised on medical grounds not to swim for a long period, or is hospitalised, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss the situation. Please also Read the COVID -19 Policy
Prams and Car seats
No Prams or Car Seats in the Changing rooms.
Newlands - Prams to be left at the bottom of the pool pathway so not blocking the path, car seat may come on to pool side near the windows not near the pool edge. Babies in the car seats are your responsibility not the Teachers
Castledon school, Prams to be left outside the changing room doors and car seat may be brought on to pool side, babies in car seats are the responsibility of the parent not the teacher. Car seats to be places at the furthest location away from the pool edge.
Due to Covid-19 there is no longer Play pens at Newlands Springs pool
Eating on the premises
We ask for no food to be brought into the pool premises, as crumbs encourage wildlife to come in and reduces the risk of allergies issues. This is a Pool rule from the owners of the pool.
We like to know if anyone is unable to attend for any reason, so as not to await their arrival. Please try to contact us in this event. A text or email is probably easiest for all parties as we are likely to be driving or setting up for classes. Jan Phelps 07919 414 494; Michelle McGeorge 07919 414 495 with your name and reason.
Pool closures
On rare occasions lessons are cancelled. If any lesson is cancelled, due to pool issues we will endeavour to reschedule the class for a later date if possible or start the term the following week. No refunds are given under any circumstances. When we Text, Email, What’s app, Facebook we do appreciate a reply, but if we don’t get one we presume you have the message, if you never receive any message please check we have your correct details as this is not our responsibly to keep asking.
Swim Nappies
Babies and toddlers who are not 100% toilet trained must wear a correct fitting swim nappy. We strongly recommend the leak proof Splash About “Happy Nappy” (available from your teacher to buy). If your baby is not wearing a properly fitting swim nappy, you will be refused entry to the pool. Considerable disruption and cost are caused when classes have to be cancelled due to little accidents. If you are unsure, please ask. Huggies are not protection theses do not hold poo in when an accident happens.
Safety is at all times our paramount concern. However, Little Otters will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury. that may occur whilst on school premises.
Poolside observers
Whilst we welcome poolside observers, we would respectfully ask that they sit quietly at the side of the pool and any children are accompanied by an adult and supervised by an adult at all times. We cannot take responsibility for those who are poolside observing. Please also be sensible about the numbers of observers who attend with you, and they must not distract or interpret the teacher unless an emergency is occurring.
Showering All people entering the water must shower first.
No outdoor shoes are to be worn poolside unless in protective covers
No photography this includes use of mobile phone cameras, is permitted unless consent is requested and obtained from ALLparticipating parents/guardians at each and every class. Please ask any spectators coming with you to respect this. Little Otters may from time to time wish to take photos for business use, your consent is on the booking form or if existing customer will be sorting to take and use such photographs.
Parent/Child Ratio
All Little Otters classes assume a 1:1 parent/carer: child ratio.
Maternity If pregnant: Congratulations please talk to us as we have a maternity package you might want to take up.
Hair Long hair must be tied back, or a swimming hat worn.
Assisting the Parent or Child during lessons
For encouraging the skills for swimming, we will guide the Children and Parents in the water through correcting a Position of equipment or hold, if Descriptive words or demonstrations are not working.
Castledon School and Newlands Spring there is plenty of street parking available, but we ask that all members park respectfully of the school neighbours, observing the highway code for dropped kerbs etc.
If you have any complaints or questions at all about our lessons, please contact us as soon as possible via email at
Privacy Policy
Little Otters Privacy Policy is on our main website
Terms and Conditions are on the main website and can be updated time to time to fall in with new legislations.